Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rueili, The Advent of the Tourist Season!!

Posted by gmygotravel

Wisteria are the jewels of the botanic world; easy to look after, very long lived, vigorous, and simply magnificent when in flower.

Wisteria should be pruned twice a year to encourage  flowering; once lightly in September, and again in February / early March just before flowering.

March is a rare wisteria open season!!

There is an old and beautiful wisteria legend: There is a beautiful girl wants a love, so she prayed every day to fulfill the sky red joking. Finally red joking piety touched by the girl, in her dream, she said: "In the spring comes, the mountain in a small woods, she met a white man, and that is what she wants The Food of Love. "wait until the spring of the day, silly girl came alone, such as about the mountain grove. Love waiting for her beautiful - the arrival of white men. Can wait until the night was coming, or does not appear that the white man, the girl down in a tense time, but was bitten by a snake in the grass of the ankle. Girls can not walk, it is difficult to return home, and was quite frightened. Helpless despair at the time of the girl, white man appeared, the girl pleasantly surprised to cry for help, white men came forward to help her mouth to suck out of the ankle had been bitten by a snake sera, the girl fell in love ever since Him.But the white man, a poor family, their marriage was against the parents of the woman. The final two people who love both jumping partiality. The edge of the cliff in their sentimentalism grow a tree, the tree that actually wrapped around a cane, and falling out of blossoming flowers, purple in with blue, illuminating as heavenly clouds. That after the person out of the vine wisteria flowers, wisteria wrapped around the tree to be born, can not survive alone, some people say that Wisteria is the embodiment of girls in white man is the tree, Wisteria born for love, for love Death.

Rueili (Ruìlǐ) is a small, quiet, temperate-mountain community that thrives on tourism and tea growing. It’s always been one of our favourite places in the Alishan region and the fact that we can now walk there from the Fenchihu train station makes it all that more special. Rueili excels in eye candy for the nature-lover. There are panoramic mountain scenes, bamboo forests, caves, waterfalls and historic walking trails.

瑞里的旅遊旺季來臨 !
從梅‧桃‧李‧杏花開始後, 接著就是浪漫的紫藤花要綻放了!
3月是稀少紫藤花開的季節, 物以稀為貴,貴以美為無價!




3月是紫藤花盛開的季節,紫藤花語:纏綿的愛情,代表對你的執著!帶著你的戀人一起來享受最幸福的時刻!! 寒帶的日本,有一種植物叫紫藤,開花時,就像紫色的瀑布一樣,相當漂亮,現在不用到日本,海拔一千公尺的瑞里就有囉!! (旅遊、住宿洽詢幼葉的林民宿)

瑞里 - 位於嘉義縣梅山鄉瑞里村,屬阿里山脈西部邊緣地帶,海拔1200米,丘陵起伏,峰巒蒼翠,一些斷崖峭壁,瀑布溪流分佈其間,到處山花野果,蟲聲燕語,充滿野趣,是山水兼具的風景區。

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