Sunday, February 13, 2011

Climate of Hong Kong!!

Posted by gmygotravel

The Four Seasons in Hong Kong

In winter, the weather is generally cool by local standards, with temperatures hovering between 15°C and 20°C. However, northeast winter monsoons bring frequent cold fronts which can cause the temperature to dip below 10°C, despite Hong Kong's tropical latitude and coastal location.

Conversely, warm maritime airstreams also commonly raise the temperature well above 20°C. Temperatures as high as 29°C have been recorded in February. Winter starts sunny in December and becomes cloudier towards February.

Spring brings warmer and more humid weather. There is a sharp increase in rainfall around April. Spring is the cloudiest time of the year, with March and April both averaging around 100 hours of bright sunshine.

Summer weather is hot, humid and unstable. Thunderstorms and brief showers are common, as well as sunny conditions. August has the highest average rainfall of any month. Temperatures usually exceed 30°C during the day, which, coupled with a high humidity, can result in an extreme heat index. Nights are also warm with an average minimum temperature of 26°C. Hong Kong is frequently hit by typhoons in summer.

Fall is generally considered as the most pleasant season. Temperatures are still high (20-27°C) while humidity and ranfaill are considerably lower. Moreover, fall is the sunniest season in Hong Kong, with October and November both averaging close to 200 hours of bright sunshine.

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